Optimize Your Image Quickly & Easily
Upload file
Drag or drop your file here or click to upload
How it Works
Our Image Compression Tool
Our free online image compression tool is designed to help you reduce the file size of your images while maintaining their quality. Here's a step-by-step guide on how it works:
Step 1: Upload Your Image
Selecting Your File
Click the 'Choose File' button to upload your image. You can upload JPEG, PNG, or WebP files.
Supported Formats
- WebP
File Size Limit
Maximum file size: 10MB
Step 2: Compress Your Image
Automatic Compression
Our tool will automatically compress your image without losing quality. You can adjust the compression level if needed.
Compression Options
- Low
- Medium
- High
Processing Time
Usually takes less than 10 seconds
Step 3: Download Your Image
Saving Your Compressed File
Once the compression is complete, click the 'Download' button to save your compressed image to your device.
Download Options
- Direct download
- Email link
File Retention
Files are deleted from our servers after 24 hours